Thursday, July 23, 2009

One phase of life

Sometimes, when you look deep into life, you realise that life really has no answers. We attach answers. We have been doing that for quite some time and we do it without any second thoughts till the last breath because we think that is the only way we do it.
At times, life can be confusing. You can be 25,30,35,40….,70 or above and still do not know what to do with life. Famous (not successful) are those who know what to do with their life.
Caught in the intricacies of life, sometimes I wish people can take ‘I do not know’ for a genuine answer, because going with the flow can be really painful after a while rather than standing out of the crowd and looking confused and bemused.


Ganesh said...

nice blog ! very personal though!

The Black Panther said...

I wish people can take ‘I do not know’ for a genuine answer

would like to differ ,,,standing outta a crowd??who are the crowd??and how able are they?so called crowd are only inclined to criticize whatever u do..dont even care..u have ur freedom

A J A Y said...
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A J A Y said...

hehe nice post which matches to evryones phase of life....

Virtual Epiphany said...

@ganex - thanks...personal? ya sometimes:P

@black panther:i do :) only if indians do not set their rules of a framework called soceity

@ajay: nee life naa life parellel ga nadustunnaya :P ?